Context: The Occupation

The Occupation is Israel’s control of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), the land it captured in 1967, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip. Israel has full military control over the territories, including borders and airspace, thereby restricting who and what is allowed in and out. 

Under the Occupation, Israel denies Palestinians their civil, political, and economic rights, and subjects Palestinians to systematic discrimination. Ongoing human rights violations by Israel in the OPT have included home demolitions and the forced eviction of Palestinian families, punitive arrests, unfair trials, and ill treatment and torture of  detainees,  including children. Since 2000, Israeli military had killed more than 2220 Palestinian children. 

More than 600 Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints restrict Palestinian movement, cutting farmers off from their land, making it impossible for many children to attend school regularly, and at times resulting in the deaths of people trying to obtain medical care.

Since 2009, Israel demolished 8,796 Palestinian-owned structures in the West Bank, including structures necessary to income, and displaced 12,865 people.